Climate Change

Birling Parish Council has launched its Climate Change Strategy at the July 2023 meeting and has been consulting the parish on how we can affect the issues in Birling. The plan was approved and . You can find it in the link below.
An action plan has been developed to take forward what can be done to reduce the impact of climate change in our Parish.
For example, we know that flooding occurs and look to putting more pressure on the County and Borough Councils to improve drainage. Also, the increasing amount of traffic through the Village will have an impact on carbon emissions that could be a health hazard in the long term.
We want to engage with the community to have your ideas about the action plan to improve the environment that we all share. Come along to the Village Fete to give us your views.
We would also like to hold public meetings inviting outside speakers to engage with residents so we can do our bit to mitigate the impact of climate change where possible. Will there be any interest in this type of event?
For example, we could have a community events focused on gardening for wild life and climate change and engage with building specialists to help us with how our older housing stock could be adapted for modern living.
We need your help and if you would like to become involved in taking forward Climate Change, please contact either Jacquie Westwood or the Parish Clerk on the following email addresses.