Fly Tipping
Residents can use the TMBC online report form to inform the authorities of incidents of fly tipping.
Tick the box to say you have witnessed the dumping occurring in order to effect the form to ask for all the relevant details:,-rubbish-and-waste/refuse-flytipping (or type “Fly tipping” into the search bar on the main web page).
What is the issue?
Fly tipping can include anything from a sack of rubbish to a large scale lorry load of waste. Fly tipping also includes the dumping of individual or mixed special wastes such as chemical drums, asbestos and gas cylinders.
What will TMBC do?
We arrange for dumped material to be cleared from borough council and public land within 48 hours. Specialist waste such as asbestos and large scale dumping may take longer to clear whilst we arrange for appropriate collection vehicles and disposal facilities. Fly tipped material causing an obstruction on the highway will be reported to the highway authority so that it can be made safe for road users until it can be removed.
TMBC is not responsible for removal of fly tipped waste from privately owned land (such as housing associations) but we are happy to offer advice to the landowner on clearance and disposal.
Where evidence of who dumped the waste is found, enforcement action is taken. A fly tipping prosecution can result in a maximum fine of £50,000 and/or up to 12 months in prison.
What information do TMBC need?
So that we can process the report as quickly as possible, please provide us with as much information as you can, such as:
o Exact location
o Date and time the incident was noticed
o Description of the items fly tipped (note potential hazards)
o Details of offender and their routine if known
o Registration plate, make and colour of any vehicles involved
o If it is crime in progress report to Kent Police on 101
How to report:
01732 876147